Kevin Costner Numerology

3 as a Life Path Number

Kevin has a good sense of humor. He likes to chat and to be in the center of attention. Since he was a kid, Costner knew that he would become an actor having artistic skills. Still he had a hard time working on developing his artistic talents; the only way to do that was concentrating on his goal and being committed to it.

He puts the lights to any party and gets everyone’s attention using his talent of expressing his words through emotions. But he can easily become a person that nobody is interested in if he wastes his talent on something not important. Costner has to develop and train his creativity to receive a consolation and luxury. He is very optimistic and has enough courage and flexibility to overcome different hardships. He is always happy and that inspires those of his surrounding. People who were born with this number can not handle money in their hands. Sometimes they are too wasteful and irresponsible.

9 as a Birthday Number

To achieve a lot in his life, Kevin Costner has to play a great role in society that demands the mix of his realism and compassion. He has to concentrate seriously on what will really work and also he has to understand what good things he can make for society.

He will feel much better in a favorable to him surrounding where other people are not deprived also. Kevin feels more confident and gets self satisfaction, when others show that they need him, and he can help them.

Kevin Costner is very sociable and communicative. People find him attractive and think that he is very charming. This actor can get adjusted to people and to any society easily. He has a broad sense of seeing things.


8 as a Destiny (Expression) Number

Kevin Costner is very active and has a drive to get the result by all means. When it comes to resolve the problem, he tries to comprehend the picture, looks what are the challenges and than decides how to manage all the resources to solve the problems. Kevin can separate responsibilities between people. He likes to appoint dealing with details to someone else.

This actor has a good sense of judging people. He is good in leading people. It makes others to work for him. He works in such a manner that they should do things the way he wants or, just do not do them at all.

Kevin Costner is very thankful. When he notices that an employer works hard, he rewards him with salary augmentation or premium. At the same time he is not good in tolerance. He thinks that it harms his effectiveness. He just strongly and durably goes to his aim.

7 as a Soul Urge (Heart's Desire) Number

Costner enjoys analyzing and making researches. If Kevin had found out some information about the subject, he creatively and originally brings it in his mind from something underdeveloped to philosophical. Kevin bases his thoughts and opinions according to theory and scientific facts.

There are people that find Costner indifferent and dispassionate. He is just an introvert, he feels himself a little unusual and odd. He can become a perfect monk that is devoted to religion or a recluse.


4 as a Personality Number

Kevin Costner is very economical and knows how to save money. He cares about the future of the people who are close to him and of his future. Maybe you can find it a little bit too ascetic, but Kevin prefers traditional and usual clothes. He can take advantage by wearing colors that are more uplifting, put a little fashion in his cloth or give his suit a little of coquetry. When wearing a black suit, he can diversify it with a bright scarf.

Kevin Costner adores his family. He loves propinquity, safety and permanence that a family can provide. He cares about his family and always tries to make them safe and provides them financially. Sometimes members of his family take all that he gives for granted. Also Kevin is a devoted patriot. He adores his country and always wants to be a part of the community.

7 as a Lucky Number

Kevin Costner’s Personal Lucky Number is number 7. It means that he is a very fortunate person and luck is always on his side. But sometimes he doesn’t see the luck of number 7, because it is of those who always look for spiritual growth. You can not recognize it easily, it just becomes active on a cosmic level.